Plastic float for a Weber DCOE or DCO/SP carburetor from the current Spanish production.

For the original production Italian DCOE's please use a brass float and these two should NOT be interchanged!
This product is priced and sold as a single unit.
Required quantity per carburetor: 1

This is item number 9 in the drawing of the Weber DCOE and Weber DCO/SP carburetors.
This is Weber Part Number: 41030.034
Instructions on how to set the float height with Spanish plastic floats on the Weber DCOE carburetor:
1) Assemble the top cover, needle valve, gasket, float hinge pin and float.
2) Make sure that both float bodies are parallel to each other.
3) Keep the cover perpendicular, like in the drawing below, making sure that the float lightly touches the needle without compressing it.
4) The measured distance between the float body and the gasket should now be 12 mm.
5) When needed, carefully adjust the float by bending it in the desired direction.